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MCDST Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-271): Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System (Pro - Certificat
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- New--Readiness Review Suite featuring 425 questions and multiple testing options
- New--In-depth coverage of Exam 70-271 objectives written by an exam-certified author--plus instructive case studies and troubleshooting scenarios
- New--180-day evaluation version of Windows XP
- New--eBook in PDF format; Pocket PC-ready
- New--Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition, eBook
- Sales Rank: #3290378 in Books
- Published on: 2004-07-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.30" h x 2.33" w x 7.38" l,
- Binding: Paperback
- 816 pages
From the Publisher
Fully updated for Windows XP Service Pack 2, this kit provides in-depth preparation for the skills measured by the MCDST exam—and on the job!
Key Book Benefits:
NEW—Fully updated for Windows XP Service Pack 2 In-depth coverage by an exam-certified author on Exam 70-271 objectives, plus instructive case studies and troubleshooting scenarios Readiness Review Suite featuring 425 questions and multiple testing options 120-day evaluation version of Windows XP software with Service Pack 2 Features eBook in PDF format Microsoft Computer Dictionary, Fifth Edition, eBook
About the Author
Walter Glenn is a freelance consultant, writer, and editor in Huntsville, Alabama. He has been working in the computer industry for over a decade and provides solutions for small-to medium-sized businesses. Walter is a Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer and Trainer who specializes in Internet and networking technologies.
Most helpful customer reviews
41 of 45 people found the following review helpful.
microsoft finally got it right
By Don V
microsoft has finally figured out how to write a book for their certifications. hire someone outside their organization to do it. previous books have always fallen woefully short of teaching a person to the point that they can come close to passing the test. this book accomplishes this goal. admittedly, this is a verrrry simple and easy test. but i did find the objectives covered adequately to figure out the answers. this was microsoft's big failing in previous books. they skimmed over or inadequately explained the topic and then hit you with detailed and complex scenarios on the exam that were several levels more advanced than what they taugh you. this book brings you to the level you need to be able to figure out the answers you need. this is what microsoft should have been doing all along. kudos to them.
30 of 32 people found the following review helpful.
This did the trick--I passed!
By A Customer
I've been a heldesk technician for less than a year, so I was nervous about taking the exam. I bought this book and the Exam Cram, and they did the trick--especially this book. The book is easy to follow, has all the basics, and gives you good test prep drill too. In retrospect I probably didn't need the Exam Cram. In fact, the other book that was pretty useful is the Windows XP Resource Kit, edition 2.
17 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
A must if you need to pass the first time.
By R. J Kaucher
Depending on your experience this may be the only book you need to pass the 70-721 exam. I did require additional material but this book was certainly the major reason that I passed the exam with a 917 score.
The only reason why I gave this book four stars and not five is because of the practice test. The practice test was very useful, and I was using it repeatedly for reviews, taking four practice exams in the week leading up to my test. But the questions and answers in certification mode were some times ambiguous and on one occasion the question presented the user with the incorrect graphic to click on to give an answer. This left me to wonder if I should be clicking on the "advanced" tab even though the wrong dialog was shown or should I click in the area where the "advanced" tab would be located on the correct dialog? In spite of these errors the questions in the practice test were exceptionally useful for locating holes in my knowledge which I was then able to fill by finding and studying material in other resources such as knowledge base articles on the Microsoft web site.
Since I purchased this book and began my studies (I wanted to get some work experience before taking the test) I have found the information and tips in this material, the book and the testing software, immensely useful from a practical stand point. Even the most obscure knowledge found in this book has aided me in resolving real user issues on the job. At my current job as a desk top technician, if my colleagues have an issue relating to Windows XP that they do not know how to solve they come to me before they escalate it. One case is where the guy next to me received a call from a user whose key board was acting abnormally. He had to press in the key and hold it down for more than the normal time to get the letter he was typing to appear. I knew immediately that FilterKeys had been enabled and I was able to tell my coworker exactly how to disable it due to having missed the question nearly five times in the practice tests and finally memorizing everything I could about accessibility options out of frustration with myself.
The practice test has 300+ questions, far more than included in any other testing resource. If you want to pass the 70-721 exam you will need this book.
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